Media Clippings
CHI 2012 Media Clippings
CHI 2012 Projects by Kate Green (blog)
CHI 2012 conference Q&A with Lorrie Cranor and Pedro Leon
Brad Stenger, NY Times, July 17, 2012
CHI 2012 conference Q&A with Kia Hook and Ed Chi
Brad Stenger, NY Times, June 28, 2012
CHI 2012 conference Q&A with Joseph Konstan
Brad Stenger, NY Times, June 7, 2012
CHI 2012:自然人机交互技术大放异彩
[此博文包含图片] [此博文包含视频] (2012-06-13)
Research shows cue-giving robots help students learn
Nancy Owano,, May 30, 2012
Multitasking too much? Brain sensor could lighten the load
It doesn't quite read your mind, but the experimental Brainput device
tracks brain activity to recognize when users are multitasking to
offload work.
CNET, May 15, 2012
A Computer Interface that Takes a Load Off Your Mind
Kate Greene, MIT Technology Review, May 14, 2012
CHI 2012: brain-expanding bits of brilliance
Austin American-Statesman, May 11, 2012
CHI 2012: IDG Daily May 8
Video Clips from Nick Barber, IDG News Service
CHI 2012: Dual View displays two images on a single screen
CHI 2012: ZeroTouch turns any screen into touchscreen
CHI 2012: IllumiShare replicates physical desktops between users
CHI 2012: Video Diary - Sipping electric lemonade, no really
Twitter success thrives on narrow focus
Want to build a large Twitter following? Stay on one topic, a ACM CHI researcher advises.
Gesture Control System Uses Sound Alone
SoundWave lets an ordinary laptop function like a Kinect sensor.
Smart shoes step up the wearable-computing pace
A human-computer interface conference explores novel gestures for operating computers -- and placing a smartphone sensor called ShoeSense in shoes.
Touché, e gli oggetti diventano sensibili al tocco
The Disney Institute and American University jointly developed a new generation of touch sensors, analysis of the frequency spectrum touch.
ACM user conference seeks the magic in user interfaces
The Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems plans to explore social computing and innovative interactivity.
ACM CHI: more search could be crowdsourced
Search engines could expand the range of answers they provide through simple filtering and crowdsourcing collaboration
When I Think About My Computer, I Touch Myself
CHI 2012 Melds Physical and Virtual
Study shows bandwidth caps create user uncertainty, risky decisions
A new tool to view, study graphics
Mash-up aids translation of obscure languages